NewMexicoWomen.Org (NMW.O), the only statewide women’s fund, is committed to gender justice and healing. Throughout the past year, we have continued to work for a world where all self-identified women and girls have access to the health and reproductive care they need, where gender-based violence does not exist, where self-identified men and boys can be vulnerable and express their emotions, and where girls, especially girls of color, have internalized the message that they are worthy, powerful, and important. Our role is to support local grassroots solutions in New Mexico that increase access to resources for our communities, build power among women and girls of color, transform gender and racial narratives, and create meaningful, lasting structural change through equitable policies.

Women’s funds, by offering strategic support for healthy movement building ecosystems, play a key role in creating this world, and so do you.

Click here, to see NMW.O's most recent Financial Report, and learn about our growth. Our increased investment in self-identified women and girls and their communities would not be possible without you. We look forward to continuing this powerful work, with your generous support in 2022! You can make your year-end gift to NewMexicoWomen.Org here.

In community and with warm wishes for the New Year,
Sarah Ghiorse, Executive Director and the 
NewMexicoWomen.Org Team