Register for the HM Parenting Virtual Lunchtime Learning Series Today!

NewMexicoWomen.Org is excited to announce a virtual summer learning series exploring healthy masculinities and parenting! This learning series is inspired by the work of the New Mexico Healthy Masculinities Community of Practice, feedback from community members, and content in the NM Healthy Masculinities Toolkit.

This lunchtime offering will explore the following topics in conversation with community experts and parents:

July 10th – 11:45 am – 1:15 pm MST: Queer/Trans affirming parenting 
• July 24th – 11:45 am – 1:15 pm MST: Anti-violent parenting and affirmative consent
• July 31st – 11:45 am – 1:15 pm MST: Accountability and relational repair in parenting
• August 14th – 11:45 am – 1:15 pm MST: Non-birthing partners in the birthing process
• August 21st – 11:45 am – 1:15 pm MST: Labor distribution in parenting: domestic, emotional, and invisible

Sessions will take place on Wednesdays from 11:45 AM – 1:15 PM MST beginning on July 10th.

Participants can join for one, multiple, or all the sessions. Fill out the Registration form below to sign up for a single session or the whole series!

If you have any questions about this series, please reach out at:

Healthy Masculinities and Parenting Virtual Lunchtime Learning Series!


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