Inaugural 2024-2026 Gender Justice and Healing Advocacy Grant Program
Background and Rationale
NewMexicoWomen.Org (NMW.O) has supported gender justice advocacy since our inception in 2012 and more directly through our multi-year grantmaking since then. The majority of our grantmaking has incorporated gender justice and healing with a focus on systems change, movement building, and collective care.
Based on the analysis and recommendations from a Policy and Advocacy Landscape Assessment completed at the beginning of 2024, in partnership with Aranda Strategies, LLC, we developed the Gender Justice and Healing Advocacy grant program in support of gender justice and/or healing in advocacy and policy contexts. The inaugural grantee cohort was selected for their demonstrated success, their leadership in advancing intersectional policy priorities, their use of multiple approaches to building power, our aligned values, as well as how they are addressing the opportunities, gaps, and needs identified in the analysis report. The partners below are part of the inaugural 2024-2026 Gender Justice and Healing Advocacy grant cycle.
The Gender Justice and Healing Advocacy grant cycle is not currently accepting applications. To receive updates about funding opportunities through this program, sign up for our newsletter here.
Center for Civic Policy
CCP is a nonpartisan organization that works to empower and amplify the voices of everyday New Mexicans, especially those who experience oppression, to shape a more inclusive, responsive, and accountable democracy ––using a racial, gender, class, and equity lens to build transformative power through collective responsibility and build thriving communities in New Mexico.
Organizers in the Land of Enchantment (OLÉ)
OLÉ is a non-profit, grassroots member organization of working families. Since 2009, their members and staff have worked together to strengthen our communities using issue-based campaigns and electoral engagement to ensure that working families are playing a critical role in shaping New Mexico’s future with a united voice. By centering the experiences of people of color, early educators, parents, workers and Immigrants, OLÉ creates a space for people to grow their leadership and create lasting change in New Mexico.
Equality New Mexico
EQNM’s mission is to be a trusted partner, and to uplift the voices and leadership of our community in creating a reality of equity, full access, and sustainable wellness for LGBTQ New Mexicans. EQNM works toward Queer and Trans liberation through policy, systems, and culture shift by focusing on identifying, organizing, training, and activating local LGBTQ leaders in their efforts to create or change policies at all levels of government.
Southwest Women’s Law Center
SWLC creates opportunities for women in New Mexico to realize their full economic and personal potential. They work to eliminate gender bias, discrimination, and harassment, to lift women and their families out of poverty, and to ensure all women have full control over their reproductive lives through access to comprehensive reproductive health services and information. SWLC focuses on key areas related to workplace rights and security for women, the health and safety of women, and abortion, along with reproductive rights and access to those rights. Their goals are to advance the lives of women through advocacy, education, policy changes, and legal work.