About NMW.O
NewMexicoWomen.Org (NMW.O) is the only fund of its kind in New Mexico that works to advance opportunities for women, girls, and gender non-conforming people statewide, so they can lead self-sufficient, healthy, and empowered lives.
NMW.O pursues its mission via a 3-pronged strategy to:
EDUCATE Through research and communications, NMW.O brings public attention to the issues affecting women, girls, and gender non-conforming people with an eye towards influencing policy and philanthropy.
LEAD NMW.O facilitates alliances among nonprofits, funders, and other sectors in order to concentrate resources and foster collaboration.
INVEST NMW.O leverages philanthropic investments in programs centering women and girls of color and gender non-conforming people in rural and low-income communities statewide through our donor education and strategic grant-making efforts.
Gender Justice & Healing
NewMexicoWomen.Org’s strategic focus is Gender Justice & Healing. Gender Justice is a commitment to end patriarchy and create a world free from misogyny. Our framework is intersectional as we know that gender justice cannot be achieved without reproductive, social, economic, and environmental justice. Our feminism is inclusive of lived experiences of race, class, immigration, and a spectrum of gender identities. Further, our intersectional gender analysis also acknowledges that men are constrained by patriarchal gender roles and norms. Healing is the process of restoring health from an unbalanced or unhealthy state. Lasting gender justice cannot be achieved without collective healing, and healing cannot occur if justice is not served.

Theory of Change and Strategic Goals
STRENGTHEN the gender justice movement in NM by partnering with organizations that center women and girls of color and gender non-conforming people in low-income, immigrant, LGBTQ+, or rural communities.
SERVE as a hub and resource to support and amplify the work of
organizations that are advancing gender justice and
healing throughout the state.
INCREASE philanthropic investment in organizations
working on gender justice and healing for
women, girls, and gender non-conforming people of color in NM
SHIFT the narrative on gender justice, healing,
and intersectional feminism in NM so that women, girls, trans people, and gender non-conforming folks are centered.
NewMexicoWomen.Org (NMW.O) evolved out of Women Building Community, a program initiated in 2007 at the New Mexico Community Foundation, in partnership with Groundswell. The program aimed to support reproductive justice efforts statewide by increasing collaboration and resources among grassroots, majority women-of- color-led organizations. In 2012, as Women Building Community wound down, it gave rise to a new fund for women and girls: NewMexicoWomen.Org.
The decision to establish NMW.O came after research showed there was no single statewide fund focused on identifying, highlighting, funding, and advocating for the needs of women and girls throughout the state of New Mexico. In 2017, after five years as a program of New Mexico Foundation, NewMexicoWomen.Org became an independent organization!