Feminist Futures New Mexico (2024)
Our #FeministFuturesNM fundraising campaign invites us to imagine a world in which women, girls, and gender-nonconforming folks can thrive and realize the fullness of their being. It means dreaming of and building a future that does not replicate the inequities of the present. #FeministFuturesNM means investing in intersectional feminist movements working for gender justice and healing. Due to structural oppression, and the ongoing attacks on our bodies and rights, we are often pushed into defense mode. A futurist position helps us assert an alternative vision of the future and shows us how to get there. Our map to this future includes investing in advocacy and organizing for structural change; supporting healing and collective care for our movements; enabling girls and gender-expansive youth of color to deepen their knowledge, organize, and experience joy; addressing the roots of patriarchy through healthy masculinities work; and publishing intersectional feminist research. Investing in #FeministFuturesNM means supporting this imagination and the work that will lead us all to liberation. Donate to this campaign here.
Making Herstory (2021)
In 2021, our Women’s History Month campaign, #MakingHerstory highlighted young self-identified women of color making history across the country. Mainstream narratives have long excluded the essential and critical role that young women and girls, particularly girls of color have played in shaping society. Conversations around young people and girls in our state tend to be deficit-based, emphasizing the very real challenges that burden our young people. This campaign sought to make visible the brilliance, creativity, and contributions of adolescent girls of color in the movement for gender justice and healing by centering their stories, dreams, and lived experiences. Their imagination, courage, and conviction are powerful, and give us hope for a future defined by gender justice and healing. Check out some of the campaign highlights below and use the hashtag #MakingHerstory to view the full campaign on our social media pages.
Gender Justice at the Heart of New Mexico’s Pandemic Recovery (2020)
In 2020, NMW.O released, Gender Justice at the Heart of New Mexico’s Pandemic Recovery, a report outlining the gender and race-based impacts of COVID-19 and sharing the wisdom and perspectives of over 30 community partners across the state whose work supports self-identifying women and girls, communities of color, LGBTQIA folks, immigrant communities, and low-income and rural communities. As we addressed the immediate impacts of COVID-19, we also addressed the structural racism that has and will continue to affect more people over the longer term. As a women’s fund committed to intersectional feminism, we believe that racial and gender justice cannot be separated – they are fundamentally interconnected. Our response to COVID-19 must be a racial justice and gender equity response. Check out some highlights from our campaign below which centers on the work and wisdom of gender justice leaders and shares key recommendations from the report for building a just and equitable pandemic recovery. You can also see the full campaign using the hashtag #FeministResponseToCovid19 on our Instagram and Facebook pages.
NM Women Represent! (2020)
Historical narratives in our state and nation have long excluded the essential and critical role that women, particularly women of color, have played in shaping politics from the grassroots level up. Whether within formal or informal politics, self-identifying women have been and continue to be the storytellers, organizers, educators, healers, weavers, nourishers, and tradition-keepers of our communities. Our trans and gender non-conforming relatives have also been excluded from many of our political narratives and history books. As part of NMW.O’s commitment to gender justice, healing, and intersectional feminism, for Women’s History Month in 2020, we sought to center these narratives and shed light on the lesser-known leaders in New Mexico’s political history – while broadening our understanding of what political participation means. Check out some highlights from our campaign celebrating Nuevomexicanas during 2020 Women’s Herstory Month. You can also see the full campaign using #NMWomenRepresent on our Instagram and Facebook pages.
Say What NM?! (2019)
Language is a tool that shapes our understanding of the world around us. It can liberate and empower, to confuse and oppress. It informs our understanding of narratives and stories. The language we use matters. Our #SayWhatNM campaign shed light on some of the key terms NMW.O uses in our work, with the knowledge that language is fluid and often needs to be unpacked, re-learned, and even unlearned. If the lived experiences and positions from which we engage in gender justice work differ, so do how we understand its language and terms. Therefore, developing a shared vocabulary with our community partners and donor allies is paramount to doing our work effectively. This campaign sought to make the language that encapsulates our values while also describing the structures of oppression we seek to dismantle, accessible to all. Check out some of the campaign highlights below. You can view the full campaign on social media using the hashtag #SayWhatNM
Celebrating Three Years of Gender Justice and Healing (2019)
In 2019, we celebrated the fierce creativity and capacity that New Mexicans from across the state have brought to our work and continue to bring to local challenges. This campaign marked three years of deep work following the publication of our research report, The Heart of Gender Justice in New Mexico. The campaign centered on the voices and wisdom of our community partners through beautiful hand-drawn art (by Taslim van Hattum). When community organizers and social service providers can influence and direct the distribution of resources in our state, the impact of those resources is far greater and more meaningful than the impact of funders working in isolation. Wisdom from our community partners has and continues to shape our strategy and funding decisions. The deeper our relationships are with community members, the deeper our collective impact. In many cases, New Mexicans are at the forefront of organizing efforts that have served as models for groups nationwide. Our communities demonstrate time and time again that their lived experiences, wisdom, imagination, and expertise matter and deserve investment. See highlights from the campaign below and follow the full campaign on our social media using the hashtag #InvestInNMWomenAndGirls
New Mexico Sheroes (2019)
In 2019, beginning on International Women’s Day, and to honor Women’s History Month, we launched our New Mexico Sheroes campaign celebrating self-identified women who have made herstory in our state. Throughout the campaign, our staff, most of whom grew up in New Mexico, were saddened by how the histories of New Mexican women, and particularly women of color, have been made invisible. Most of the women and stories in our sheroes campaign were absent from our classrooms, movies, and homes as young people. The campaign centered on some of the women who have made profound contributions to the evolution of gender justice in our state and country and inspired our community. For example, our post featuring Doña Jesusita Aragón received over 650 likes, 160 comments, and 1,000 shares across our social media pages. In addition to Jesusita, the sheroes highlighted in our campaign contributed to the preservation of local traditions and ways of being, and to securing legislation that we still rely on today for inclusive education and workers’ rights. Check out some highlights from our New Mexico Sheroes campaign below. You can also see the full campaign using #NMSheroes and #NMShero on our social media.
Did You Know? (2017 – 2018)
Beginning in 2017, as part of our strategy to educate and shift the narrative around gender justice, we launched our Did You Know? campaign. The campaign sought to share facts and data that would help strengthen the movement for gender justice and healing in New Mexico. In our 2017 report, The Heart of Gender Justice in New Mexico: Intersectionality, Economic Security, and Health Equity, we heard from communities across the state that it is critical to name and contextualize how structural inequalities are related to individual experiences. Understanding the relationship between the two is central to building gender justice and equity in New Mexico. Below is a round-up of some key highlights from our Did You Know? campaign. The full campaign can be found on our social media.
Take a Stand (2014 – 2015)
Beginning in 2014 NewMexicoWomen.Org launched our Take a Stand campaign, which sought to raise one dollar for each of the 1.04 million women and girls in New Mexico. The campaign succeeded in directing more philanthropic dollars toward gender justice issues in New Mexico. Through a creative social media strategy, it has also helped to increase awareness about the critical issues facing women and girls in our state. We celebrate the 1.04 million resilient, strong, and culturally diverse self-identifying women and girls in our state. Together, we hope to work for gender justice and healing each day. Whether you donate one dollar or ten thousand dollars, you are Taking a Stand for gender justice and to support and improve the lives of women and girls in our state. For generations, women in New Mexico have served as leaders and role models in their communities. But when women struggle, so do the many people who depend upon them. When women thrive, we all thrive! Check out some highlights from our very first campaign below and scroll back in our Instagram and Facebook for the full campaign.