Three years ago, NewMexicoWomen.Org (NMW.O) began a community engagement and research project that resulted in a two-part report called, The Heart of Gender Justice in New Mexico: Intersectionality, Economic Security, and Health Equity. This process informed a shift in our organizational strategy to gender justice and healing. Since then, NMW.O has grown significantly: becoming an independent non-profit organization, doubling our grantmaking to organizations statewide, creating new training and education programs, and deepening our relationships with community partners.

This summer we are celebrating the fierce creativity and capacity that New Mexicans from across the state have brought to our work, and continue to bring to local challenges. Our community partners remind us that, “we are each other’s solutions.” In this spirit, we would like to thank all of you who contributed to NewMexicoWomen.Org during our spring appeal! We absolutely could not do this work without you.

Art by Taslim van Hattum

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Photography © Don Usner unless otherwise noted