During Pride month, we are seeing the visible result of years of community work come to fruition, as we witness the removal of statues that symbolize colonization and genocide, elected leaders publicly committing to defund the police and defend Black lives, a Supreme Court ruling to protect the DACA policy (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), and a landmark Supreme Court ruling in favor of protecting workers from discrimination based on sexual-orientation and gender. Communities, locally and nationally, have been organizing around these issues for generations. Now is a time to pause and honor the fruits of their labor.
As we celebrate Pride this year, we acknowledge all of the organizers who have fought and continue to advocate for the rights of LGBTQI people and communities of color. With any significant social change comes increased discomfort, the need for more rigorous systems of analysis, and the backlash from those who are grasping onto the status quo. Through this, NMW.O, as the statewide women’s fund, remains committed to investing in organizations that are led by and center self-identifying women and girls of color, from low-income, rural and immigrant communities, as we resource the daily movement-building efforts that lead to these kinds of collective changes. We invite you to partner with us and continue to support the work of NewMexicoWomen.Org as we move together through these momentous times.

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Photography © Don Usner unless otherwise noted