New Mexico Take a Stand for Women and Girls!

Grace for appeal

NewMexicoWomen.Org’s Take a Stand campaign aims to raise one dollar for each of the 1.04 million New Mexican women and girls. Funds raised through this campaign go to support critical organizations who are working in unique and innovative ways on behalf of women and girls in New Mexico. It has been a great year for NewMexicoWomen.Org! We continue to educate, lead and invest on behalf of women and girls in New Mexico. A few of this year’s highlights are that we:

Awarded close to $93K in grants to groups working to increase women’s economic security and to improve the quality of life for women and girls in the state;
Published the Indicators Report: A Statistical Resource Guide to Women and Girls in New Mexico;
Kicked-off the Professional Action Team program which seeks to engage businesses in our work; and
Launched our Take a Stand campaign which seeks to raise one dollar for each of the 1.04 million women and girls in NM.

Why Take a Stand for New Mexico Women and Girls?

Because Right Now:

42% of New Mexico girls are not proficient in reading, 47% are not proficient in math and 81% are not proficient in science.
37% of New Mexico high school girls report experiencing persistent feelings of sadness of hopelessness within the past month.
14% of New Mexico women over 65 live in poverty.

As 2014 comes to a close we are asking you to Take a Stand for women and girls. Whether you invest one dollar or ten thousand dollars, you are Taking a Stand to improve the lives of women and girls in New Mexico – any amount is appreciated! How many women and girls can you and your network Take a Stand for today?

Here’s How You Take a Stand:

STEP 1: DONATE! Click here to make an online donation today. Want to do more to Take a Stand? Do this…

STEP 2: Take a photo of yourself or your shoes with your Take a Stand message. Message Example: I am Taking a Stand for all the New Mexican women who have changed my life!

STEP 3: Share your Take a Stand picture via email, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter, tagging NewMexicoWomen.Org and your friends, asking them to donate and Take a Stand too. Message Example: “Dear friend, I am Taking a Stand for New Mexico’s women and girls. Will you join me so that NewMexicoWomen.Org can support those working to improve the lives of women and girls?”

RM Boots

Thank you 1.04 Million Times for Taking a Stand

for New Mexico’s Women and Girls!

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Photography © Don Usner unless otherwise noted