Dear Friends,
This week, we are breathing a sigh of relief and honoring some powerful victories. Kamala Harris, a Black woman of South Asian decent, will soon take office as America’s first female Vice President, a record number of women of color, trans and non-binary folks have been elected into office at the local, state and federal levels, and New Mexico is the first state in history to vote in all women of color to the House of Representatives. This election also marks the largest number of Native American women to run and become elected to office, along with the highest number of openly LGBTQIA candidates to be elected.
We know that women, and particularly women of color, were the strategists behind many of the record setting voter turn-out efforts in key swing states, such as Georgia and Arizona, successfully mobilizing communities to get out and vote. We celebrate the vision, leadership, commitment and tenacity of all the self-identifying women who contributed to these historic wins.
As we forge ahead, and work to ensure that policies are equitable and just, we must take a moment to recognize the work that has been done. Those of us who have been struggling for change, those of us from communities who have been traumatized by the rhetoric and policies of the last four years, must pause and reset. This year—and the past four years—have tested us, our leadership and our movements, in profound ways.
Let’s take this moment to savor the victories, to stand in these accomplishments and to honor our collective power – the power of women, women of color, non-binary folks, young people and many more – so that we may draw upon this strength, as we prepare for the road ahead.
In community,
Sarah Ghiorse, Executive Director
and the NewMexicoWomen.Org Team

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